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Primus Wind Power - AIR 40 Turbine

This solar panel is a high quality, 270W powerful model made by SolarWorld. These panels are an ultimate choice for both residential or commercial grid-tie applications. The panels are manufactured in the US, and will qualify for any ARRA projects. The smooth black surface and black module frames create an aesthetically elegant look which fulfills even the most demanding requirements in terms of buildings design and architecture.

Powerful energy source for your family!

Powerful energy source for your family! The AIR 30 is a truly universal, a simultaneously powerful and cost-efficient solution for any issues that you might experience when supplying your home (or a small office building) with a sufficient amount of energy. It cannot be argued, that bu all specs this is the ultimate energy choice for off-grid land-based applications in high wind environments. Use it for SCADA, telecom, security, cathodic protection — you name it. With optimized software!

Additional pros:

Project details

Approx. 30 kWh/mo at 5.8 m/s (13 mph)
Swept Area:
1.07 m2 (11.5 ft2)
Rotor Diameter:
1.17 m (46 in)
5.9 kg (13 lb)
12, 24 and 48 VDC
Permanent mold cast aluminum
(3) Injection-molded composite
Permanent magnet brushless
1.5 in schedule 40 pipe 48 mm (1.9 in)


With decades of practcal experience in making the alternative energy the matter of a reality, and with hundreds.
As one of the leading expert companies in the renewable energy market, we’re here to offer you cost-efficient and long-term profitable solutions.
By 2016 it must be a truth well-acknowledged, that if you’ve made a decision to go green but still feel doubtful about whether to purchase and install a solar panel or a wind turbine – then look out in the window!

We will accompany you throughout the whoole process!

With weather in your area being a decisive factor, installing wind turbines will make sense for those people who live (or work) in the states with a windy weather – such as the Great Lakes states in the Midwest and some of the Atlantic states. Beef meatball esse doner, est voluptate nulla. Chicken kielbasa mollit, incididunt elit id swine eiusmod bresaola excepteur pig. Bresaola sed in, culpa id mollit elit tail tenderloin cupim bacon t-bone duis proident leberkas. Id consectetur enim pig pork loin, eiusmod leberkas deserunt sirloin bacon. Leberkas beef et pastrami, ut pancetta in ad prosciutto doner aute t-bone.